Farmers on Tuesday initiated their ‘Delhi Chalo’ march from the Shambhu Border, located between Punjab and Haryana, as part of their ongoing protest demanding various reforms. Chief among their demands are a law guaranteeing minimum support prices for agricultural produce and a debt waiver.
These protests come at a crucial juncture, just ahead of the Lok Sabha elections scheduled for May-April this year, adding a political dimension to the already charged atmosphere.
In anticipation of the march, extensive security measures have been implemented along the borders of the national capital. Delhi police have invoked Section 144, prohibiting the entry of tractor trolleys and large assemblies to maintain law and order.
A substantial contingent of over 2000 personnel, including personnel from the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), Crime Branch staff, and battalions, has been deployed to monitor the situation and respond to any potential disturbances.
Authorities are closely monitoring the situation to prevent any untoward incidents and ensure the safety of all involved parties. Further updates on the developing situation will be provided as events unfold.